We Make 'IT' Happen

If you are considering implementing or currently using Salesforce, we can help you.

Premium Technologies, Inc. has outstanding experience with Salesforce and how it can be used in your Behavioral Health Treatment Center and Treatment Facility.

Regardless of size, if your practice specializes in substance abuse, mental health challenges, individual therapy, group therapy, psychiatry, or any combination of specialties, we can work with you to implement or enhance and support your existing Salesforce system.

If you’re using Salesforce for marketing, sales, patient tracking, financials, facility management, integration with your electronic health record (EHR) system or any customized process, Premium understands your challenges and can help you.

Your clinic and practice are unique!  Although you have many commonalities with other treatment centers, your marketing, sales, intake and service processes are ‘yours’.

We will configure your Salesforce system to meld and enhance your processes.

Premium can perform initial analysis of your needs, create designs and plans and provide technical support and training

From interviews with key players and stakeholders from your company, we will form an understanding of your business application requirements and evaluate how Salesforce can meet your requirements.

Please Contact Us to see how Premium can help you with your solution and needs.

Contact Us.

Behavioral Health Treatment Center - Salesforce Support

Premium Technologies, Inc.

Laguna Hills CA:  (949) 415-5650