We Make 'IT' Happen

Salesforce Training

Our Salesforce.com training is divided into 3 key programs which will get you and your team to leverage Salesforce.com as effectively as possible. 

The programs we provide will train your Administrator, End-user and Management. Our model is to train the trainer.  We will train your Salesforce.com’s role lead for each department with the expectation that they will train your in-house staff.

Our administrator training will focus on the education of a key staff member who will take care of the day-to-day nuts and bolts of your Salesforce.com environment.  This is an important role. This person will need to understand the needs of your marketing, sales and service departments as well as have extensive knowledge of Salesforce.com technology.  The administrator’s knowledge of Salesforce.com technology needs to be very ‘in depth’.  Due to the extensive technical knowledge required, smaller companies seldom staff this role internally.

Premium Technologies, Inc.’s end-user training focuses on 3 types of end-users; marketing, sales and service.  We present your staff with Salesforce.com’s method for navigation, data entry and reporting for each role.  This is how the information gets into your Salesforce.com universe.

Management training includes the navigation of your Salesforce.com.  Your key management will have an understanding of the data and information that’s available in your system and how it can be presented in a timely and valuable manner. Oftentimes, this discussion happens ‘before’ implementation as it helps establish your system’s configuration.

Generally, Premium Technologies, Inc.’s training is delivered by one of our certified consultants, one-on-one, either remotely over the internet or onsite.

Pricing is extremely flexible, as you only pay for what you need. Often times, the fee to train the initial trainer is included as part of our consulting fee for configuration and implementation or ongoing support.

Please Contact Us to see how Premium can help you with your Salesforce.com solution and needs


Premium Technologies, Inc.

Laguna Hills CA:  (949) 415-5650